Just Cause has been involved in a number of works, including the game cutscenes.
Based on the technical and visual capabilities cultivated through these works
We promise to provide more images than ever before.
Just Cause has been involved in a number of works, including the game cutscenes.
Based on the technical and visual capabilities cultivated through these works
We promise to provide more images than ever before.
Motion Capture Studio
Motion Capture Studio
Motion Capture Studio

To a world without restrictions.
Before pre-biz, video production dealing with CG
Budgets and creative ideas have been limited.
We will propose the creation of works with high cost performance using pre-biz.
Pre-biz worries before shooting
No more creative restrictions.
What Previs?
What is Previs?
Pre-visualization is an abbreviation for pre-visualization (pre-visualization) before shooting.
Create the same image as the actual one with a simple CG model, camera work and character placement
It is a video to decide VFX and editing in advance.
In recent years, it has been adopted in Japanese movies and commercials, including Hollywood movies, and is used in many media.
・ Bulk ordering (Propose camera work, editing, and sound based on scripts and storyboards)
・ Creation of editing materials (suggest various shots like live-action shots for scripts and storyboards)
・ Shooting materials for previs together (shooting CG materials prepared by us with the director and cinematographer with a virtual camera)
・ Movie [CG pre-biz → live-action video / CG pre-vis → CG video]
・ CM [CG pre-biz → live-action video / CG pre-vis → CG video]
・ Game cinematic (cutscene) [CG previs → CG video / live-action previs → CG video]
・ Game machine [CG pre-biz → live-action video / CG pre-vis → CG video]
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