Just Cause has been involved in a number of works, including the game cutscenes.
Based on the technical and visual capabilities cultivated through these works
We promise to provide more images than ever before.
Just Cause has been involved in a number of works, including the game cutscenes.
Based on the technical and visual capabilities cultivated through these works
We promise to provide more images than ever before.
Motion Capture Studio
Motion Capture Studio
Motion Capture Studio
Just Cause creators
Seeking more than required
People who continue to challenge.
Creators who make any interesting idea come true
It doesn't start without it. Have the intelligence, physical strength, and imagination to realize them
Creators are gathering at Just Cause.
Takuya Shibata
Takuya Shibata
CEO / Producer
"Resident Evil 2" Cinematic
"Shin Godzilla" Previz
"Resident Evil 6" Cinematic
"Lost Planet 2" Cinematic
"Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Teaser"
Akira Sakawa
Kazuaki Saka
Animation supervisor
"KINGDOM HEARTS 3" Lead Layout / Animation
"Pokemon Sun / Moon" Lead Animator
"Pokemon ORAS" Animator
"Pokemon X / Y" Lead Animator
"Biohazard 6" Lead Animator
"Lost Planet 2" Lead Animator
"Biohazard 5" Lead Animator
"Devil May Cry 4" Lead Layout / Animation
"Devil May Cry 3" Lead Layout / Animation
Masaaki Murakami
Masaaki Murakami
Animation writing
Animation Supervisor
"Resident Evil 2" Lighting Supervisor
"Summer Lesson" Animation Supervisor
"Monster Strike CM" Animation Supervisor
"Biohazard 6" Lighting Supervisor
"Lost Planet 2" Lead Animatior
And More :)
Masanori Kobayashi
Director | Director
Director | Director
Ken Ohara